ISSMGE TC 104 – Physical Modeling in Geotechnics

Svensk representant: Jelke Dijkstra, Chalmers

Nytt från TC 104

Meeting of the ISSMGE Technical Committee on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics TC-104 13 January 2014, Perth, Australia

During the meeting the main action was to elect the next chair man of the committee and the new conference host for 2018. Traditionally, the host of the International Conference on Physical Modelling (ICPMG) will chair the TC-104 committee for the four years prior to that. Therefore, after this years conference hosted by Prof. Christophe Gaudin at the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems of the University of Western Australia he stepped down as chair man. After two rounds of votes, the new chair for the TC-104 committee and the host of the 2018 conference on physical modelling was elected from three candidates to be Prof. Andrew McNamara from City University in London. Prof. Christophe Gaudin was formally acknowledged for his four years of successfully chairing the TC in the form of a speech by Prof. Sarah Springman from ETH Zurich. 

8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 14-17 January, Perth, Australia

The 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics held in Perth was impeccably organized with keynotes of the next generation of academics and invited guest lectures from academia and industry. Additionally, the 1st Schofield lecture which was first delivered at the international conference in Paris last autumn was again presented by Prof. Malcolm Bolton of Cambridge University. Overall trends noticed during the conference: Transition to more elaborate testing: including seismic testing with real earth quake signals, advanced instrumentation using MEMS sensors and micro controller controlled read out, optical measurement techniques using Particle Image Velocimetry, standardized in-flight soil characterization with miniature CPT, ball-cone or t-bar probes and/or shear wave velocity measurements for each test, experimentation in the use of rapid prototyping for model creation, and a move to more realistic model soils.